Wednesday 13 April 2016

Day 13 - NaPoWriMo

Hi again guys! It's day 13 and I'm still doing this! Today's theme is based on fortune cookies... so I guess I've got a confession to make.

I've never had a fortune cookie.

So this is going to be interesting, since the only way I've encountered these are in the Sims 3 World Adventures and the Smosh video where they actually happen. So, let's write a poem!

Fortune Cookie Love

You will meet a handsome stranger.
Well, that's likely.
I've never believed these sweet treats anyway.

The cracking shards that seem to say
Trust me anyway.
Despite the way I never come true.

And yet I still hope,
Still look through the window
As if it'll magically appear.

But the cookie may as well say
You'll see a unicorn today
For how likely it will be.

But then, I see him.
Walking through the door
Trying to be ignored.

The tall and handsome stranger
With brown eyes sweet as chocolate.
Maybe I'll try more of these.


  1. I like your poem. If you haven't had a fortune cookie still, you aren't missing much. But I do anticipate the notes inside. Anyways, I like the way you approached the prompt from a different perspective.

  2. Thanks for your kind comments!
