Saturday 16 April 2016

NaPoWriMo - Day 16!

Hi again guys! (I need to find another way to start these blog posts, don't I?) It's day 16, if only technically for me (teenagers stay up late, what can I say?)

Now, the prompt today (the almanac) didn't particularly interest me, because I hate filling out forms, but I did notice one part that interested me, and that was the idea of the alleyway, which I'm going to focus my poem on today.

City Alleyways

Don't go down the dark alleyways
That's what everyone knows.
There's bad people down the alleyway.

Everyone knows a friend of a friend
Who, at night, walked the wrong way
And ended up robbed, or worse.

So I keep to the main streets,
And keep away,
Because I'm sensible.

But then there's others
Who I know,
Who were perfectly fine.

I wonder what makes them so bad.
Sure there's graffiti, and it's dark.
But that's the same as everywhere.

Maybe it's just people
Not wanting to admit
They're being paranoid.

But I still want to be safe.
And I'm still much too scared.
To walk down the dark alleyway.

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