Tuesday 19 April 2016

NaPoWriMo! - Day 19

We're back again for day 19, with some didactic poetry. I think today's idea for a poem is quite apt for many people my age in England, with GCSEs and A-Levels fast approaching (far too fast... Any way to get time manipulation powers? Quickly? I'll settle for a time turner...).

How To Pass Your Exams

First, set up a revision plan
With set times of revision and
Set times to relax,
Perfectly organised.

Then realise that
It's never going to work.
As days don't have 100 hours.
Throw it out.

Do revision. More revision
Why aren't you revising now?
Quick! Go do it!
Procrastinate from the pressure.

Do just a little bit each night.
Then a little less,
Then realise you're not getting anything done.
New plan required.

Just take each day as it comes?
Nope, doesn't work.
Plan in advance?
I'm planning instead of revising!

Then the test comes,
You actually do half decently.
Maybe you shouldn't have panicked
Quite as much as you did.

Wait, was that just the mock?
And the actual test next Friday?
Can someone tell me please
How you actually do this?

Because right now, I don't have a clue.
Find someone else to give you advice.
After all, I'm the one writing a poem,
Instead of preparing for my exams.

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